Maison Boîte = grants 2024

BORGIALSacha ReyGiulia GrossmannAbraham Poincheval
24.01.01 → 24.12.31

La Maison Boîte =
3 artists + 3 prizes

BORGIAL = Bourse FoRTE #7 of Région Île-de-France
Sacha Rey = Bourse ArTeC 2024
Giulia Grossmann = Bourse ArTeC 2024
Abrabam Poincheval = Les Victoires - Parcours de Plaine Commune / JO 2024

Tailor-made incubator

An incubator for production and professionalization support has been set up, drawing on the in-house skills of our team members. Artists and writers, as well as art professionals in general, contact us to develop their projects.


PROJECT : Mother Water
FIRST PARTNER : cneai = and Bourse FoRTE of Région Île-de-France.

Mother Water is a performance art project imagined by BORGIAL and produced by the cneai = as part of the FoRTE #7 grant awarded by the Ile-de-France Region.
This project explores the subject of Afro-Western cultural cross-fertilization, through the symbolism of water, mythology and the history of African civilizations and their diasporas. The performance takes place in a basin of black water, directly evoking the mysticism of water in Central and West Africa, associated with the goddess Mami Wata, symbol of transformation, healing and metamorphosis. BORGIAL puts this mythology into dialogue with Western theories, notably that of Jacques Benveniste on the “memory of water”. In his performance, BORGIAL, as an archetypal hero, dives to the bottom of the water to discover relics that bear witness to a cultural syncretism between Africa and the West.


PROJECT : État des lieux des forces en présence
PARTNERS : cneai =, ArTeC, Culture Move Europe,
Institut Français de Barcelone, SOMA, Hangar X Triangle Astérides, Fondation des Artistes, Mécènes du Sud Aix-Marseille, CNC, Artagon et ESAAIX.

Sacha Rey’s project consists of a documentary video installation broadcast on an acousmonium. Il interroge la notion de collectif à travers la relation que l’humain peut entretenir avec d’autres formes de vie. Cette prospection pensée à partir de la particularité d’une espèce protégée méditerranéenne, le flamant rose, se destine à forger des alliances inter-espèces dans lesquelles les non humains et l’exigence d’émancipation de personnes minorisées se découvrent des problématiques communes.
What would a documentary about humans filmed from the point of view of flamingos be like? Activists will share their memories of adelphities, through happy and collective moments, while sharing moments of reflexivity on their commitments.

First showing: Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 11am - 10pm / Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris / Project nominated for the Prix COAL.


PROJECT : Soleil de nuit
FIRST PARTNERS : cneai =, ArTeC, Articlab

Soleil de nuit is a film project produced by cneai =, ArTeC and Articlab, in collaboration with Pedro Junger.
“Midnight Sun” explores the maritime and geological landscapes of the Westfjords at both macroscopic and microscopic scales, establishing connections between the textures that characterize these environments at different levels of observation. This research is the fruit of a collaboration between Pedro Junger, a research ecologist specializing in microbial ecology, and myself. Combining scientific research and a cinematographic approach, we examine these changing landscapes through a field methodology that integrates oral narratives, local myths and ecological investigations.


ACCOMPANIED ARTIST : Abraham Poincheval
PROJECT : La Bouteille
FIRST PARTNERS : cneai =, Plaine Commune etIlotopie

La Bouteille, a work by Abraham Poincheval commissioned by Plaine Commune and produced by cneai = in association with Ilotopie, is 580 centimetres long and 190 centimetres in diameter. This summer, from July 25 to August 3, it becomes a real vessel, as it will be floated and inhabited by the artist on the Canal Saint-Denis for the first time, at the time of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
Join us on July 25 from 9:30 a.m. for Abraham Poincheval’s entry into La Bouteille in the presence of the President of Plaine Commune, Mathieu Hanotin, his elected representatives and teams.