Maison Boîte 24-25
24.09.01 → 25.08.31 -
Résidence et expositions volantes 24-25
24.09.02 → 25.07.04 -
APPEL À RÉSIDENCE / Résidence Métiers d'art et de design
24.11.19 → 25.01.26
cneai = art center composed, navigated, engaged, sheltered, imagined is a place for research, production, residency and diffusion of contemporary art. Since 1997, cneai = has been dedicated to the crossroads between theoretical research, experimental practice and support for artists and the public. AtelierBourseCiné-ConcertCollectionConferenceDanceDébatEditionEventExhibitionExpositionFairFilmFilm-ConcertInstallationLaboratoryMeetingOff-sitePerformancePresentationProductionProjectionPublicationResidencyRésidenceStudioWorkshopartiste en résidenceatelierconférencemétiers d'artperformanceportes ouvertesrencontresrésidencerésidencesworkshop
The art center has three collections: Yona Friedman, FMRA, Multilples, as well as a publishing house and a Maison Flottante, a boat designed by the Bouroullec brothers and dedicated to artist residencies.