cneai = center d’art composé, navigué, engagé, abrité, imaginé is a place for research, production, residency and dissemination of contemporary art. Since 1997, cneai = has been dedicated to the crossroads between theoretical research, experimental practice and support for artists and the public. In addition to its role as an art center, the cneai holds a large number of works of art and documents relating to the fields of art publishing, the printed image and the artist’s book. The multi-site art center, based in the Paris region, has three collections: Yona Friedman, FMRA and Multiples, as well as a Maison d’édition and a Maison Flottante, a boat designed by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec and moored at Poses in Normandy.
Free admission, during exhibitions / Depending on projects
- for times and locations: see “program” pages
- closed on Sundays and public holidays
- closed in August
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+33(0)6 95 72 57 78
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About archives concerning collections, past programs and editions
cneai =
The multiple locations of the cneai = allow a crossroads of views from all over the world, reflecting a world rich in complexity. Hospitality and experience are fundamental. From the Île-de-France region, cneai = is reinventing itself as an archipelago, a network of places, like so many permanent or temporary counters, like shared or pirate zones, places of experimentation or distance. For example, the cneai = has a floating accommodation workshop, the Maison Flottante, moored to the Quai de Seine in Poses, Normandy. It calls for mobility and residence outside urban centers, through off-center movement and adventurous dynamics. Le cneai = développe également une programmation régionale, par les Maisons Volantes atterrissant au gré des invitations d’établissements scolaires en Île-de-France, ainsi que des programmes longue distance, abrités par la Maison Monde. With the artist always at the heart of the art center, the Maison Boîte provides tailor-made support for cultural and artistic players and companies.
With support from:
Ministère de la Culture - DRAC Île-de-France • Région Île-de-France • DSDEN 93 • Département de l’Eure • Agglomération Seine-Eure • Ville de Poses
Our values
cneai = places artists and users at the heart of its project. On a daily basis, we affirm our commitment to applying and developing: integration, parity, cultural rights, interdisciplinarity, best practices in author support, the art economy based on solidarity, the sharing of knowledge and resources, sustainability, respect for the environment, respect for people and well-being in the workplace.
Applying our values is a major challenge. These values are listed and defined in an establishment agreement, drawn up collectively with employees and members of the Board of Directors and registered with the clerk’s office of the Conseil de Prud’hommes. We apply the ethical charters, best-practice guides and scales of DCA (Association française de développement des centers d’art contemporain) and Arts en résidence - Réseau national.
A renewed project
Ann Stouvenel has been at the helm of cneai = since 2023, working with the team, Board of Directors and associate artists to develop a multi-sites artistic and cultural project. The cneai = is reinventing itself as an archipelago, a network of places, like so many permanent or temporary counters, like shared or pirate zones, places of experimentation or retreat. In Normandy, the Maison flottante calls for mobility in and out of urban centers, through off-center movement and adventurous dynamics.
Ann Stouvenel is also a member of the artistic board of Finis terrae - Centre d’art insulaire, which organizes residencies and events in maritime and coastal spaces in Brittany, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and abroad. She is co-founder and co-president of Arts en résidence - Réseau national, and a trainer. She works collaboratively and focuses her energy on creating time for experimentation, mobility and dissemination of the works produced. Her curatorial practice is contextual. Depending on the population, the current state of the art, societal and aesthetic issues, she determines the times of creation. Her missions are dedicated to hosting artists in residence, to the creation of editorial objects and curating exhibitions. She has organized some fifty exhibitions in France and around the world.
The cneai =, designed back in 1993 and named “Centre national de l’Estampe et des arts imprimés” in 1997, then renamed “Centre national édition art image” in 2012, was located from 1997 to 2017 in a loop of the Seine in the heart of the Ile des Impressionnistes in Chatou, near Paris (Yvelines). It then moved to the Magasins Généraux in Pantin from 2017 to 2020, then to the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris from 2021 to 2025. La Maison Flottante is currently based in Poses, Normandy. The cneai = has been directed by Ann Stouvenel since 2023, following Sylvie Boulanger’s leadership since it opened in 1997. When the art center was founded, the first collections were created, notably that of the FMRA, and multiple works, editions, artists’ books, catalogs and other publications were produced. Initially devoted to research in the field of printmaking, the cneai = now deals more broadly with media works and multiples which - like engraving in its time - integrate the act of distribution right from their conception. Reproductibles et transmissibles, ces œuvres peuvent prendre de nombreuses formes : livres, disques, films, affiches, tracts, cartes postales, magazines, sites Internet, etc. In almost 30 years, cneai = has carried out numerous prestigious projects in France and around the world.
In 2006, to mark the tenth anniversary of cneai =, a public commission from the French Ministry of Culture was set up to complete the art center’s initial development program, which included artists’ studios. As the local urban development plan of the town of Chatou no longer allowed for construction, the project was designed on water and named the Maison Flottante. Created by Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec with Denis Daversin and Jean-Marie Finot, the Maison Flottante is a houseboat designed in Le Havre and comprising an apartment, a studio and two terraces. Anchored on the banks of the Île des Impressionnistes, it welcomes artists, researchers and writers for residencies of varying lengths, with projects destined for publication.
Team & Community
- Director: Ann Stouvenel
- Administrator: Bastien Sbuttoni
- Public relations: Sophie Piermattei
- Mission in charge of communication, coordination and collections : Pierre Duval
- Webmaster and designer: Olivier J.
- Civic services and internships throughout the year: to help with editing, mediation, communication or programming, depending on the orientation and wishes of the people we support
- The team works with stage managers, graphic designers and authors on a project-by-project basis throughout the year
- President: Steven Hearn
- Treasurer: Jean-Luc de Feuardent
- Administrators: Charlotte Flossaut, Rozen Le Nagard, Fabrice de Pontfrache, Camille Pradon, Claire Schillinger, Christophe Viart
- Honorary member: Marie-Christine Davy
- Structuring partners: Ministère de la Culture - DRAC Île-de-France, Région Île-de-France
- Territorial partners: Département de l’Eure, Communauté d’agglomération Seine-Eure, Ville de Poses
- Le cneai = is a member of DCA, the French association for the development of contemporary art centers
- The cneai = is a member of Arts en résidence - Réseau national, a network of residency structures and a resource platform
- Le cneai = is a member of the Consortium d’ArTeC, supported by the ComUE Université Paris Lumières, the École Universitaire de Recherche
- Plaine Commune
- Cité internationale universitaire de Paris / Maison de l’Ukraine, Maison d’Île-de-France
- Frac Grand Large - Hauts-de-France
- Frac Picardie
- Bourse de commerce - Pinault Collection
- Finis terrae - Centre d’art insulaire
- Le Générateur
- Fonds de dotation Denise et Yona Friedman
- DSDEN de Seine-Saint-Denis
- Rectorat de Créteil
- Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne
- Videotage - Hong Kong
- Consulat général de France - Hong Kong and Macao
- Art Inside Out - Sweden
- Vaga aux Açores - Portugal
Maison internationale
Cité Universitaire
21 Boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris
52 Chemin du Halage
27740 Poses
Eure / Normandie