Une autre lecture des "Illusions perdues"

Sandra Lucbert

Librairie La Manoeuvre
Rencontre avec André Orléan, économiste, Pauline Bayle, metteuse en scène, une proposition de Sandra Lucbert, auteure.
Certains romans de Balzac, “Illusions perdues” au premier chef, fonctionnent, selon la formule d’André Orléan, comme des “objets conceptuels”. Par les voies de la narration, Balzac réussit le tour de force de penser la monnaie comme fait social.

“If I wanted to invite an economist to discuss with an author (myself) and a stage director about literature’s ability to ‘produce concepts,’ it’s because it seems essential today to rearm this dimension of artworks, which think differently than in theory, sometimes more accurately than theory itself.”

André Orléan is an economist and a director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). Specializing in currency, he delivered a precise deconstruction of the four theoretical upheavals that Les Illusions perdues develops through strictly fictional means.

Pauline Bayle is a stage director. Her latest staging, Illusions perdues, is currently being performed at the Théâtre de la Bastille until April 10th. She explores a completely different aspect of the novel, which she will discuss with us.

Sandra Lucbert is an author. She has published two novels: Mobiles (Flammarion, 2013) and La toile (Gallimard, 2017). She will facilitate the discussion and talk about her work on debt.

In partnership with Théâtre de la Bastille as part of LaDetteC’estMal, Sandra Lucbert’s writer residency in Île-de-France, at cneai =.

Action supported by the Île-de-France Region as part of the Writer Residency Program of the Île-de-France Region.

{At Librairie La Manoeuvre, 58 rue de la Roquette 75011 Paris, Metro: Bastille or Bréguet-Sabin. Tuesday, April 7th at 7 pm.}

{Théâtre de la Bastille} {Région Île-de-France}