Maison Flottante = season 2024

Charles VillaLauralie NaumannAnatole ChartierIsmaïl BahriVvzela Kook
24.03.01 → 24.05.31

march / floating residency in graphic design
open studio: April 6, 3 to 6 p.m.

may / laid out residency in fine arts & crafts
Open studio: May 18, 3 to 6 p.m.

september / laid out residency in fine arts & crafts
journées européennes du patrimoine: September 21 & 22 from 2 to 5 pm

october / Villa Medici post-residency in Rome in the visual arts
Open studio: October 20 from 3 to 6 p.m.

november / laid out residency crossed with Hong Kong in visual arts
Open studio: November 9 from 3 to 6 pm.

The floating residency = research & creation

Artists invited for research and creation residencies at the Maison Flottante are part of the program of exhibitions and events organized by cneai = in Île-de-France, and carry out specific events in Poses, in conjunction with local partners. They work on their personal projects and are invited to organize a public event -conference, performance, studio opening, or other, depending on the artist-, planned in advance of the residency and leading to specific remuneration.

The laid out residency = springboard & craftsmanship

Artists are invited, or selected through calls for applications, to come and produce in Poses in connection with the social and entrepreneurial fabric of the Seine-Eure conurbation. A strong local commitment to arts and crafts is an asset for artists with projects in specific media. The cneai = team provides support in production and distribution for the most emerging artists, both before and after their residency.


Programs developed with the support of the Ministère de la Culture - DRAC Île-de-France et Normandie, the Département de l’Eure, the Communauté d’agglomération Seine-Eure and the Ville de Poses.
With the invaluable daily support of Sylvain Paci, our dear neighbor and riverbank lender.