Nicholas Vargelis has been invited to a residency at Cneai in Atelier Est from September 2021 to the end of February 2022. Infrastructure is a crucial concept in his approach: “Infrastructure is the permanent and common element of all buildings; it’s the network. Objects are very important to me… cables, switches, etc. I like well-made infrastructures, almost utopian ones. Whether the location and aesthetics of the switch are pleasant to use, I like to make it so that you want to interact with it. I want to make infrastructure performative.”
Objects common to all forms of habitats, networks, lighting systems, and techniques fascinate him. Rails, lamps, circuits, buttons, wires, bulbs—these are everyday objects found in all homes, but their aesthetics evolve with norms, rules, and cultures, often without our awareness. The Cité Universitaire site, with its architectures and infrastructures, is a rich ground for experimentation, and Nicholas Vargelis will share with you the thoughts driving his residency.
Practical Information:
{Cité internationale, Paris Maison Internationale Atelier 29, 3rd floor, east staircase/theater side.}
{Théâtre de la Cité}